
illuminate,[v. ih-loo-muh-neyt; adj., n. ih-loo-muh-nit, -neyt]         to supply or brighten with light; light up.
verb, -nat·ed, -nat·ing, adjective, noun


                                         What is "Illuminate" ?

A group of creative, young minds in the modern world. With inspirational thoughts, feelings & words 
to illuminate the hidden beauty. What better way to describe the indescribable, than to trying with your own words.
This site is for those who feel with heart, but can't say with passion. We inspire to be inspired. We are not all alone though. We have poems as well from famous, well known poets. We just want people to know that they shouldn't be afraid to express their feelings. Everyone has them, everyone feels them, why not write them out? 

illuminate is all about feelings that are felt but can't be expressed in words. What you will read on here are the true expressions behind the fake smiles, the real thoughts beyond the brain, and the real beats the heart pumps. Poetry isn't about rhyming and having one topic; poetry is about speaking the mind. Telling it how it is. Wether it is hate,love,money,goals,dreams,desires,envy -- it can all be felt,expressed, and illuminated to those who are blinded to what it all really is. 

Poetry, so mischievous but yet, so fascinating. You can't always completely understand what poets write about, but thats the fun part about it. Trying to figure out what some one is really saying, and finding out that maybe you can relate to it.